New mental health research from Deloitte (2024) has reported that the cost to employers of poor mental health is £51bn per year*, a decrease from £55bn in 2021, but an increase from £45bn in 2019.* Presenteeism is the largest contributor, where people work in spite of illness and not perform at their full ability, which is costing employers around £24 bn annually.
46% of working parents are concerned about their children’s mental health, costing UK employers £8bn annually due to impact on performance, taking time off work or leaving their roles
63% of respondents are experiencing at least one characteristic of burnout.
Burnout among employees, such as feelings of exhaustion, mental distance from the job and reduced job performance, have been more evident during the pandemic. Measures by employers to improve mental wellbeing should not only benefit employees themselves but should also reduce employment costs such as recruitment costs and provide broader societal benefit.
We are a workplace wellbeing and mental health consultancy with a human and compassionate edge, that brings together leading experts in psychology, coaching, wellbeing, and mental health to deliver bespoke services to organisations of all sizes across the globe.
For every £1 spent on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their workforce, employers get (on average) about £4.70 back in increased productivity.